Friday, April 19, 2013

Product Review: Sunrider SunnyFresh

For the regular readers of my blog, you will know by now that I am a fan of Sunrider Herbal Foods and Beverages.

Today I want to discuss my like for Sunrider SunnyFresh.

From Sunrider website:

"Sunny Fresh® is a unique all-natural herbal food that soothes and revives a dry scratchy throat. It contains an extraordinary blend of concentrated herbs including licorice, peppermint and cloves, all traditionally used to aid digestion, soothe the stomach and freshen the breath"

I probably should have read this first.

For some reason, I was of the belief that SunnyFresh was a concentrate to help protect against common colds and flu, and believed the product to be a honey and lemon based concentrate to help you recover quickly when you come down with the dreaded cold.

Well last weekend I came down with the flu and believed the time was right for me to pull out the big gun recovery assistace.

Now, I don't know about you, but when I get sick I lose my appetite, and the only thing I seem to want to drink is good old fizzy drink Lemonade.  My personal favourite is Sprite.  When I get sick, knowing it is good to drink orange juice and honey, I pour a small amount into a glass, add a bit of honey and then add lemonade to make my own 'flu cocktail'.  But on this occasion, I believed I had something even better in my recovery-arsenal: Sunrider SunnyFresh.

So, instead of purchasing orange juice and honey, I simply poured a vial of SunnyFresh into my lemonade, and... yum, yum, yum!  Even though I was sick, I still tasted this delicious drink and wished it was something I could regularly drink!

My throat HAD been getting sore, and this bubbly sweet concoction relieved my sore throat and left it feeling relieved for hours, so I only needed to have a glass in the morning and a glass at night, and I felt as though my symptoms were relieved for hours on end.

Now, I know I'm not supposed to mix the herbal concentrate with sugar laden lemonade, but I was sick, and I needed to keep up my hydration, and this was a delicious and soothing way to achieve this.

I don't know if I got better sooner because of my having drunk his concentration or not, but I did start to develop a raw throat which never took hold like it normally does; but I can tell you right now, in my next order, I will be stocking up on more SunnyFresh - because we are heading into winter, and are at that stage within the season where the weather can't make up its mind if it is summer, spring, autumn or winter, so today might be a gloriously mildly warm day, tomorrow could be bitterly cold, and the day after could be an unseasonal heatwave.  All these unpredictable weather and temperature fluctuations usually results in everyone coming down with coughs and colds, so if it isn't me, then one of my family is sure to catch it.

I actually think (but can't prove or disprove) that the product assisted me to recover in faster time than I would of.

If you are interested in Sunrider products, then please check out my reviews of Sunrider's Calli Tea, Fortune Delight, Sunbreeze Oil, VitaDelight - the list is growing!

As usual, you can purchase Sunrider SunnyFresh via here, or you can purchase from Sunrider at

If you need help finding a consultant, email me at char mesan writes at yahoo dot com dot au (no spaces) 

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