I keep having people tell me that people create New Year's Resolutions. I have never bothered making any, as I tend to be a goal-setter throughout the year.
But, after going for a walk with my grown son the other night, where he shared that he has set himself a small weight loss and increase in fitness goal and was highly vague in the details, I realised that the vagueness makes all the difference between successful resolution-making and not.
Time to pin things down to specifics, I advised him: he was shocked!
And started back-pedalling on his own goals.
So, I'm going to try to set a good example, I'm going to actually (belatedly) set my New Year's Resolution(s):
1. Weight reduction. I am motivated to reduce my body weight and clothing size. So, my resolution is: I will commit to going for a walk* four times per week. This walk will be at a pace they I would undertake if I was one minute late for a very important appointment and wanted to make a good impression, so have fastened my pace to ensure that I am not two or three or more minutes late. If I am unable to go for a evening walk with one of my children, I will complete a session on the treadmill, lasting not less than 15 minutes duration at whatever intensity I feel capable of.
I will also commit to assessing the foods I eat and choose healthier options at every mealtime. I will choose the healthiest option from the choices available to me at each meal, and I will NOT feel guilty if I need to choose a less than perfect meal.
I will take my measurements, scale and tape measure readings, no more frequently than once a week.
I will commit to drinking more water and less soft drinks, tea and coffee.
Aims: I will commit to my weight reduction goal with the full acceptance that I am doing so in order to work towards living a healthy lifestyle, and to fulfil a long cherished ambition to run a marathon. These are the aims behind my goals, not the goals itself - I will commit to remembering this!
2. Change Employer. I am motivated to seek alternative employment. So, my resolution is: I will view job boards, and submit quality applications to jobs of interest. I will write tailored cover letters and will tweak my resume to suit the position on offer/of interest.
I will take sick leave, early marks, annual leave, if necessary, to attend interviews.
I will enquire about working conditions and pay rates before I accept any job offers, and will weigh up the benefits to my own self before I accept the job.
I will gain a start date with the employer for AFTER I have been paid by current employer, and will then provide the required two weeks notice.
3. Start Blogging. I am a writer, and writer's need to write! Not just their manuscripts. So, my resolution is to start a Blog (wooohooo, I've already completed this step now :-)), and I will commit to posting at least twice a month, on many of my favourite topics - even if no-one reads my blog.
These are my 2013 New Year's Resolutions. Now, to put them into action. Oh year, I need to assess if they are SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timebound.
Yes, they are SMART goals. I just haven't shared ALL of the details.
Weight: Yes, I know my starting weight and how many kilo's I am aiming to reduce by.
Job: Yes, I know the type of work I am applying for and when I want to be in the new role by.
Blogging: Yes, I already write each weekends and on holidays.
Weight: Yes, I have bathroom scales and have recorded my body measurements and am able to take regular progress measurements.
Job: Yes, I will have records of submitted applications and can reasonably assess how my jobsearch efforts are progressing by the number of interviews I am getting/not getting.
Blogging: Yes, regular posts will demonstrate if I am meeting my blogging target or not - and being posted publicly will result in people I don't even know being able to see if I am meeting this goal! Scary!
Weight: Yes, I have set the goal of reducing my weight in small increments over a longer than possible timeframe.
Job: Yes, I am applying for positions with which I possess the skills, experience, qualifications and personal interest.
Blogging: Yes, I have set a low frequency rate for posting that fits within my own and my family's needs.
Weight: Yes, I could reduce in far less time and in greater weight loss with my plan.
Job: Yes, because I am being selective about the type of job I want and am happy to wait for the right job, the right employer to come along rather than just accept any old thing.
Blogging: Maybe. I have family, and not much personal time because of my full time work and household responsibilities. I can always adjust my goals for this, my first two resolutions are more important to me at this stage.
Weight: I've given myself until Dec 31 2013 to reach my goal.
Job: I've given myself until Dec 31 2013 to reach my goal
Blogging: This goal of mine doesn't need to be timebound. It is more a wish than a goal, really.
Hope you have set yourself some great New Year's Resolutions. And, I hope you are still working towards them.
If you have already failed in the ones that you set for yourself, then I'd just like to say, "It's not too late to restart those resolutions" :-) Just saying...
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